Kids Teaching Kids 21 Day Challenge Alignment to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Health Education (TEKS)
Kindergarten: 115.12(b)
Mental health and wellness-- social and emotional health. The student identifies and applies strategies to develop socio-emotional health, self-regulation, and healthy relationships. The student is expected to:
(A) identify their own feelings and emotions
Mental health and wellness-- developing a healthy self-concept. The student develops the capacity for self-assessment and evaluation, goal setting, and decision making in order to develop a healthy self-concept. The student is expected to:
(B) discuss the meaning of goals and identify at least one health-related goal
Mental health and wellness-- identifying and coping with mental health and wellness concerns. The student develops and uses appropriate skills to identify and cope with conditions related to mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:
(B) discuss the relationships between positive and negative stress and emotions
Healthy eating and physical activity-- food and beverage daily recommendations. The student identifies and explains healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:
(A) demonstrate an understanding that the human body is composed mostly of water and explain the importance of drinking water daily
(B) identify healthy portion sizes for common food items
(C) identify types of foods that help the body grow, including fruits and vegetables, dairy, and protein
(D) identify healthy and unhealthy snack choices
Healthy eating and physical activity-- nutrition and physical activity literacy. The student obtains, processes, and understands basic physical activity and nutrition information needed to make health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to explain the importance of health information.
Healthy eating and physical activity-- risk and protective factors. The student identifies and explains risk and protective factors related to healthy eating and physical activity. The student is expected to:
(B) identify habits that help individuals stay healthy such as getting the proper amount of sleep and daily physical activity
Injury and violence prevention and safety-- interpersonal violence. The student understands the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:
(A) identify bullying behaviors and the role of the bystander
(B) identify ways to discourage bullying.
(C) describe appropriate actions to take in response to bullying such as telling a parent or a trusted adult
1st Grade 115.13(b)
Mental health and wellness-- social and emotional health. The student identifies and applies strategies to develop socio-emotional health, self-regulation, and healthy relationships. The student is expected to:
(A) identify their own feelings and emotions
Mental health and wellness-- developing a healthy self-concept. The student develops the capacity for self-assessment and evaluation, goal setting, and decision making in order to develop a healthy self-concept. The student is expected to:
(B) explain the importance of goal setting and task completion
Mental health and wellness-- identifying and coping with mental health and wellness concerns. The student develops and uses appropriate skills to identify and cope with conditions related to mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:
(B) identify situations that can create positive stress and positive emotions
(C) discuss the signs and symptoms associated with stress
Healthy eating and physical activity-- food and beverage daily recommendations. The student identifies and explains healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:
(A) explain that fruits, vegetables, and dairy provide essential vitamins and minerals
(B) identify recommended portion sizes by comparing portions to familiar objects such as a golf ball for a cookie or a frisbee for a dinner plate
(C) identify the food groups and examples of foods in each group
(D) identify ingredients that make foods and drinks unhealthy such as added sugar and other sweeteners
Healthy eating and physical activity-- nutrition and physical activity literacy. The student obtains, processes, and understands basic physical activity and nutrition information needed to make 6 health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to identify examples of health information provided by various media and how the examples affect nutritional habits and physical activity.
Healthy eating and physical activity-- risk and protective factors. The student identifies and explains risk and protective factors related to healthy eating and physical activity. The student is expected to:
(B) describe habits that improve individual health such as getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and exercising
Injury and violence prevention and safety-- interpersonal violence. The student understands the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:
(A) describe consequences for both the victim and the bully and the impact of bullying on the victim
(B) discuss ways of discouraging bullying
(C) explain the differences between teasing, joking, and playing around and bullying
2nd Grade 115.14(b)
Mental health and wellness-- social and emotional health. The student identifies and applies strategies to develop socio-emotional health, self-regulation, and healthy relationships. The student is expected to:
(A) communicate needs, wants, and emotions in healthy ways;
Mental health and wellness-- developing a healthy self-concept. The student develops the capacity for self-assessment and evaluation, goal setting, and decision making in order to develop a healthy self-concept. The student is expected to:
(B) list the steps and describe the importance of task completion and goal setting
Mental health and wellness-- identifying and coping with mental health and wellness concerns. The student develops and uses appropriate skills to identify and cope with conditions related to mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:
(B) identify positive and negative stressors and how they impact emotions and learning
Healthy eating and physical activity-- food and beverage daily recommendations. The student identifies and explains healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:
(A) identify types of nutrients
(B) use familiar objects to identify healthy food portions from different food groups
(C) identify healthy and unhealthy choices within the food groups
(D) identify the benefits of making healthy beverage choices, including water and milk, and limiting sweetened beverages such as soda and sports drinks
Healthy eating and physical activity-- nutrition and physical activity literacy. The student obtains, processes, and understands basic physical activity and nutrition information needed to make health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to identify various media that provide health information and how media can influence an individual's health choices such as television advertisements for fast foods and breakfast cereals.
Healthy eating and physical activity-- risk and protective factors. The student identifies and explains risk and protective factors related to healthy eating and physical activity. The student is expected to:
(B) identify the benefits of establishing healthy eating and physical activity habits that will last a lifetime
Injury and violence prevention and safety-- interpersonal violence. The student understands the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:
(A) describe consequences for the bully and the impact of bullying, including cyberbullying, on the victim
(B) identify consequences that result from bullying behaviors
(C) describe the difference between reporting and tattling
3rd Grade 115.15(b)
Mental health and wellness-- social and emotional health. The student identifies and applies strategies to develop socio-emotional health, self-regulation, and healthy relationships. The student is expected to:
(A) communicate needs, wants, and emotions in healthy ways
Mental health and wellness-- developing a healthy self-concept. The student develops the capacity for self-assessment and evaluation, goal setting, and decision making in order to develop a healthy self-concept. The student is expected to:
(B) describe the importance of seeking guidance from a parent or trusted adult in setting goals
Mental health and wellness-- identifying and coping with mental health and wellness concerns. The student will develop and use appropriate skills to identify and cope with conditions related to mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:
(B) describe strategies to support others in coping with different learning needs
(C) describe positive outcomes of stress, including creativity, focus, energy, drive, and purpose
(D) describe and practice healthy behaviors that reduce stress
Healthy eating and physical activity-- food and beverage daily recommendations. The student identifies and explains healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:
(A) classify foods by the nutrients they provide;
(B) describe how to plan a balanced meal that follows government nutrition guidelines
(C) discuss the difference between foods containing natural sugars and foods with added sugars or sweeteners
(D) identify and categorize foods based on saturated and unsaturated fat content
Healthy eating and physical activity-- nutrition and physical activity literacy. The student obtains, processes, and understands basic physical activity and nutrition information needed to make health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to describe the importance of accessing health information through a variety of health resources.
Healthy eating and physical activity-- risk and protective factors. The student identifies and explains risk and protective factors related to healthy eating and physical activity. The student is expected to:
(B) describe how healthy and unhealthy behaviors affect body systems
Injury and violence prevention and safety-- interpersonal violence. The student understands the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:
(A) describe how to effectively respond to bullying and cyberbullying of oneself or others
4th Grade 115.16(b)
Mental health and wellness-- social and emotional health. The student identifies and applies strategies to develop socio-emotional health, self-regulation, and healthy relationships. The student is expected to:
(A) analyze how thoughts and behaviors impact emotions;
Mental health and wellness-- developing a healthy self-concept. The student develops the capacity for self-assessment and evaluation, goal setting, and decision making in order to develop a healthy self-concept. The student is expected to:
(B) explain the advantages of setting short- and long-term goals
(C) explain the importance of time management with respect to a goal
Mental health and wellness-- identifying and coping with mental health and wellness concerns. The student develops and uses appropriate skills to identify and cope with conditions related to mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:
(B) differentiate between positive and negative stress
(C) define sources of stress, including trauma and loss, and the stages of grief
(D) discuss ways to promote a healthy body image
Healthy eating and physical activity-- food and beverage daily recommendations. The student identifies and explains healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:
(A) explain why the body needs each of the six major nutrients contained in foods
(B) identify nutritional information on menus and food labels
(C) determine appropriate portion sizes when eating out, including at fast food restaurants
(D) explain how excess sugar consumption can impact health, including causing dental cavities and obesity
(E) identify healthy fast food choices such as ordering smaller serving sizes and substituting salads for fries and grilled foods for fried foods and their associated impacts on health
Healthy eating and physical activity-- physical activity. The student identifies, analyzes, and applies strategies for enhancing and maintaining optimal personal physical fitness throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to identify the physical, mental, and social benefits of physical fitness.
Healthy eating and physical activity-- nutrition and physical activity literacy. The student obtains, processes, and understands basic physical activity and nutrition information needed to make health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to:
(A) describe the importance of goal setting for making healthy food choices
(B) gather data from a variety of sources to help make informed nutritional and physical activity choices
Healthy eating and physical activity-- risk and protective factors. The student identifies and explains risk and protective factors related to healthy eating and physical activity. The student is expected to:
(B) describe the connection between physical activity and the prevention of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes
(C) differentiate between healthy and unhealthy eating habits
Injury and violence prevention and safety-- interpersonal violence. The student understands the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:
(B) describe the negative impact bullying, including cyberbullying, has on both the victim and the bully
5th Grade 115.17(b)
Mental health and wellness-- social and emotional health. The student identifies and applies strategies to develop socio-emotional health, self-regulation, and healthy relationships. The student is expected to:
(A) analyze how thoughts and behaviors impact emotions
Mental health and wellness-- developing a healthy self-concept. The student develops the capacity for self-assessment and evaluation, goal setting, and decision making in order to develop a healthy self-concept. The student is expected to:
(B) describe benefits of setting and implementing short- and long-term goals and perseverance to achieve those goals
Mental health and wellness-- identifying and coping with mental health and wellness concerns. The student develops and uses appropriate skills to identify and cope with conditions related to mental health and wellness. The student is expected to:
(B) identify situations in which stress can help to achieve goals and build resiliency
(C) examine the impact of stress, trauma, loss, and grief on mental health and wellness
Healthy eating and physical activity-- food and beverage daily recommendations. The student analyzes and applies healthy eating strategies for enhancing and maintaining personal health throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to:
(A) identify foods that are sources of one or more of the six major nutrients
(B) examine food labels and menus for nutritional content and serving sizes
(C) identify the amount of sugar in common beverages and snacks
(D) identify caffeine content of common beverages and health concerns associated with excess caffeine consumption
Healthy eating and physical activity-- physical activity. The student identifies, analyzes, and applies strategies for enhancing and maintaining optimal personal physical fitness throughout the lifespan. The student is expected to explain the physical, mental, and social benefits of fitness.
Healthy eating and physical activity-- nutrition and physical activity literacy. The student obtains, processes, and understands basic physical activity and nutrition information needed to make health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to:
(A) describe the importance of goal setting for achieving appropriate levels of physical activity
(B) research and evaluate health products and information about physical activity and nutritional choices
Healthy eating and physical activity-- risk and protective factors. The student analyzes and applies risk and protective factors related to healthy eating and physical activity. The student is expected to:
(A) describe the connection between dietary choices and the prevention of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes
(B) identify attitudes and behaviors that can reduce the likelihood of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, heart disease, or diabetes
Injury and violence prevention and safety-- interpersonal violence. The student understands the impact of interpersonal violence and the importance of seeking guidance and help to maintain personal safety. The student is expected to:
(A) compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy behaviors that may be present in families or households
(C) identify methods available to report bullying
(D) analyze ways to show disapproval of bullying or cyberbullying behavior