What participants are saying about kids teaching kids®

The 21 Day Healthy Snack Challenge has been a blessing for Ethridge PE. The Challenge encourages our students and their families to recognize the power of their choices to direct their own lives, to help shape and manifest their individual destiny. Our students realize that through disciplined snacking and wise decision making they have more energy and feel better, prevent illness, improve their performance in extracurricular activities, and excel at a higher level academically. As an educator, what more can I ask from a program like the 21 Day Challenge? Only one thing: That the program continues to challenge young people everywhere to grab the bull by the horns, to take ownership of their lives through the power of wise snack choices.

—Jay Ingram
Health/PE Ethridge Elementary

The 21 day snack challenge has affected me and those around me in a very positive way. Being able to be in control of our own body, our own health, and our own stairway to success. That said I think that the 21 day healthy snack challenge should continue to grow and affect states other than Texas. The healthy snack challenge has made my brothers and I more athletic and my mom enforces a healthy snack every morning and afternoon. My strength and grit has grown and I truly believe that more healthy choices will affect me more.

—J. Sims
5th grader from Ethridge Elementary School

You can make an amazing and delicious recipe with little sugar, fat, but with a good amount of fiber all in one.

—Texas ProStart® student Richardson ISD

I learned new things we can do with food to male it healthier and more nutritionist for kids.

—Texas ProStart® White Settlement ISD

There can be healthy ways you can make foods we all like.

—Texas ProStart® student Birdville ISD

The Kids Fit menu program was what we have been looking for to offer our Asian Mint Kids. We never wanted to serve the typical kids menu as it does not align with our mission to serve great food. The feedback from kids and moms has been fantastic! They love and praise the menu and we love seeing kids enjoy healthy nutritious meals! The menus are attractive and the process of getting it going was super easy. We highly recommend it to any restaurant that wants to be a part of a great movement towards feeding kids the best way we can!

—Nikky Phinyawatana
Owner – Asian Mint

Something that gets lost in the mix sometimes as far as diet and kids menus is the health aspect. Having some healthier options on our menu is something we are lacking for the kids so it is kind of a perfect fit.

—Michael Giese
District Manager - Village Burger Bar

I wanted to compete because I feel it is a learning experience.

—Diego Rodriguiez
Texas ProStart® student competitor, Jack E. Singley Academy, Irving ISD

I learned how a fast-paced restaurant operation functions, and how organization and timing keeps the restaurant in order.

—Texas ProStart® student Invitational competitor

There are many of our students that love competition. They like challenge of creating something new. They like the challenge of going up against other people but some of them just like the opportunity to showcase some of their skills.

—Ann Lowrie
Texas ProStart® Instructor, Irving ISD.

You can feel the partnership that is happening and I think a lot of our students will go home feeling they have contributed but also that they have a much better understanding of what it would be like to actually work inside a restaurant with one of these chefs.

—Emily Williams Knight
Ed.D., Texas Restaurant Association C.E.O.

A portion of the $ is being used to get polo shirts - with our logo- for all the students in our program. The students can wear this polo on Wednesday's which is our dress for success day, for field trips, and for student competition. In addition, for the past three years,  we have given the students who participated in the Kid's Fit Menu Challenge a $250 scholarship upon graduation and enrollment into college - We will continue this for our students.

—Ann Lowrie
Texas ProStart® Instructor, Irving ISD.