Please fill out which programs would like to participate in the annual 21-Day Snacking Challenge project.

All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

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2023-NTX-Kids Teaching Kids-Career and Technical Education Program Participation-PI
Career & Technical Education (CTE) contact*

CTE programs participation in '25-'26 school year, click all that wish to participate:

If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each name
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each email
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each name
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each email
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each name
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each email
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each name
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each email
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each name
If multiple, please add a comma (,) between each email

General Internet communication is inherently not secure. DO NOT send data considered confidential or private in nature on this form. (e.g., Social Security Numbers, Diagnosis Information, Credit Card Numbers, etc.)